November 2022 Cultural Awareness: Native American Indian Heritage Month
Contributor: I.D.E.A Culture & Climate Subcommittee
Every year, for the month of November Native American Heritage Month is recognized. It is also referred to as the American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. This is an opportunity to learn and celebrate the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, stories, and important contributions of Native American Indians. In addition this month allows us to spread awareness by recognizing and acknowledging this population's hardships and struggles throughout history and continuing today. America has not always delivered on its promise of equal dignity and respect for Native Americans. Throughout this month, we commit ourselves to keep on supporting the remaining Native American Tribes and educate the world about their sacrifices and their many contributions.
To learn more please access the resources listed below
Did you know that …
- National Native American Indian Heritage Month started off as an effort to get a day of appreciation and acknowledgement for the unique contributions made by the first Americans, for the growth and establishment of the United States. The effort has now resulted in the whole month of November dedicated to this purpose.
- The first American Indian day took place the second Saturday in May 1916, in New York. It then evolved from “American Indian Week”, which president Reagan proclaimed on the week of November 23-30, 1986. In 1990 George H.W. Bush approved a joint resolution designating November 1990 as National American Indian Heritage Month. It was later changed Native American Heritage Month, under President Barack Obama.
- Most Native people prefer the terms American Indian or Indigenous American, instead of Native American. When in doubt, always ask the individual what they preferred to be called.
- While many refer to Native people as Native American, the National Museum of the American Indian notes that it is best to use the individual tribe name, if known.
Book Titles
Native American Heritage month Books
Native American Month Book List
Books to Celebrate Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Read Aloud Books
A proclamation on Native American Heritage Month
National Native American Heritage Month
10 Native American Contributions commonly used today
Video: All American the Power of Sports Exhibit Tour (10:16)
16 Facts about American Heritage month
Ways to Celebrate
22 Ways to Celebrate Native American Heritage Month
Heritage and History November Month Events- Smithsonian