Erie 1 BOCES Monthly Spotlight: July 2023
Contributor: I.D.E.A Committee
We hope that you enjoy reading this month's E1B Staff Spotlight. The purpose of this activity is to get to know our colleagues better, create meaningful connections, build relationships, create a strong sense of community and celebrate our differences! Please consider participating by clicking and completing this short E1B Spotlight (submission form). Your spotlight will not be posted until you preview it and give final approval. Please note that the information that you choose to provide will be posted internally, featured in the Monthly Inside Story Newsletter and externally on our public webpage. Please use your discretion and only share information that you feel comfortable having shared publicly. If you have any questions please contact Nicole Kerner via email at
Warm Regards,
The Inclusion.Diversity.Equity. Advocacy (I.D.E.A) Committee
Hello my name is Elizabeth Kuttesch. I have been a coordinator with Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) for just over 1 year. I love my team! We all bring different skills to the table and compliment each other really well. We have a high level of trust and respect for each other and it makes work feel all the more rewarding. I came to be employed here through the connections I made with RBERN as a teacher at one of our partner schools. I love providing Professional Development and technical support to teachers of multilingual students all over WNY. I am very grateful for the support that E1B has given me as a new employee!
I was born and raised in Buffalo, but I moved to Canada to attend the University of Toronto, where I completed a BA in History with a concentration in US race relations. Learning about our history in another country was eye-opening and motivated me to become a Social Studies teacher.
In my free time I love to cook, read, and go to concerts with my friends. My friends and family would describe me as positive and friendly.