Automation Systems
Participation in the library automation CoSer provides full automation implementation and support of a school library media center. The Library Services staff works with both the district and vendor to coordinate all aspects of planning, collection preparation, record conversion, implementation, training and ongoing support of the automation system with the district. The Library Services staff supports Follett Destiny and MediaFlex OPALS software systems, which are fully supported through Service Level 1. Service support provided in Level 2 allows participating schools to add optional modules to the supported library automation system.
Description of Training provides descriptions on the types of training offered to participating members of the CoSer.
a) Definitions. As used in this section and in Education Law:
(1) Regional bibliographic databases signifies machine-readable files of bibliographic records and holdings of libraries within a reference and research library resources system region, including public, academic, school and special libraries.
(3) Library automation means the application of computer and telecommunications technology to bibliographic control, database access, resource sharing and other electronic communication or transmission for the purpose of improving and enhancing services to library users.
(4) Automated circulation system means the application of computer and telecommunications technology to control the circulation of library materials, which may be integrated with other functions in an automated system.
(5) Automated system means the application of computer and telecommunications technology to library functions, including control of circulation of library materials, acquisitions, cataloging, serials control, public access catalog, and similar activities, and the integration of these functions into one system.
(6) Automation program means an organized plan applying automation to library functions to promote bibliographic control, database access, resource sharing, and other electronic communication or transmission among the school, public, academic, and special libraries within a region.
Contact Information
- Eileen Anderson, School Library System Director, Library Automation Supervisor Email Eileen Anderson (716) 821- 7070
- Patty Lebrenz, Library Automation Coordinator Email Patty Lebrenz (716) 821-7034
- Todd Catalano, Library Automation Coordinator Email Todd Catalano (716) 821-7265
- Beth Wargo, Automation Support Librarian Email Beth Wargo (716) 821-7354
- Gary Ciszewski, Automation Support Librarian Email Gary Ciszewski (716) 821-7202
- Patrick Doty, Senior MCTSS- Library Support Email Patrick Doty (716) 821-7427
Service Now Help Desk (716)821-7171
CoSer Information
Library Automation is an approved CoSer thru the New York State Education Department.
- WNYRIC-supported Library Automation Systems
- Destiny by Follett School Solutions
- OPALS by Media Flex